From 2010 the artist concentrated on the daily and current Hungarian social and political problems researching the public well-being. His goal was to detect the conflicts, deficiencies and exaggerations besides all he tried to find and present the real human way of thinking. The sense of humour directed him in the whole process.

Hungary I.
2008 | unpolished and birght glaze on canvas | 150x200 cm | Gábor Hunya’s Collection | photo by Miklós Sulyok

Hungary II. / BUX – Stock Index, 2008. 44th Week
2008 | unpolished and birght glaze on canvas | 5 pieces | 30x30 cm each | photo by Miklós Sulyok

Hungary III. series
2009 | mixed technique, canvas, wooden board | 7 pieces | 20x30x5 cm each | Esterházy Private Foundation’s Collection

Hungary III. / Memento (2009.08.03. Kisléta)
2009 | pencil, wooden board | 20x30x5 cm | photo by Miklós Sulyok
Mária Balogh was one of the gypsy victims of the violent murder-series in Hungary in 2008-09.

Hungary III. / Cordon Carryer
2009 | oil, canvas on wooden board | 20x30x5 cm | photo by Miklós Sulyok
Between 2006 and 2008 I saw a lot of cordon carryer cars like this living not far from the building of the Parliament. They just were bringing the cordons because there were daily demonstrations.

Hungary III. / Optional Titles: A.: Slovakia / B.: Hungary
2009 | oil, acrilyc, canvas on wooden board | 20x30x5 cm | photo by Miklós Sulyok
Reflection on the facebook campaign of a Slovakian student titled "I want a Sea instead of Hungary". At the beginning it was a funny game but soon more than 50 000 people joined and became the basis of the Hungarian-Slovakian nacionalistic abusive public speech.

Hungary III. / Pantokrator Hungaricum
2009 | oil, wooden board | 20x30x5 cm | photo by Miklós Sulyok
The cardinal motive of the painting is based on the symbol structure of the Hungarian Holy Crown, with Christ (Pankrator) on the top. We converted the figure of Christ to Mary indicating leading role of Mary against Christ in the so-called Hungarian holy system.

Hungary III. / Fashionable Autocracy Sign
2009 | oil, glitter, canvas on wooden board | 20x30x5 cm | photo by Miklós Sulyok
The use of autocracy signs are prohibited by law, unless the educational, scientific or artistic purposes. I played with this possibility.

Hungary III. / Program Guide
(The Escape / in one or two years)
2009 | oil, canvas on wooden board | 20x30x5 cm | photo by Miklós Sulyok
There is program guide in the corner of the TV screen. The subtitle is based on the advertisement of the American series Prison Break (in Hungary as: The Escape). My moral question is: staying here in Hungary or emigrating?

Hungary III. / Tricolor
2009 | oil, canvas on wooden board | 20x30x5 cm | photo by Miklós Sulyok
After finishing my painting I discovered many contemporary examples evoking the same visual and political questions in connection with the Hungarian flag.

Hungary IV. Dyptich / 0 Km Stone
2010 | oilpastel, enamel, wooden board | 100x150x5 cm | photo by Miklós Sulyok
The topic of the ditych deals with the global and personal debt. The 0 km Stone was renamed 0 HUF indicating this desired moment when the per capita debt is terminated in Hungary.

Hungary IV. Dyptich / The Way of My Money
2010 | oilpastel, enamel, wooden board | 100x150x5 cm | photo by Miklós Sulyok
This picture illustrates with a diagram how and why I have spent the price of my formerly sold painting series.

Hungary V. Tryptich / Exhibition view
2012 | "State of Affairs" | AMT Project, Bratislava, Slovakia

Hungary V. Tryptich / Tippin Corporation
2010 | oil, acrylic, wooden board | 70x100x5 cm | photo by Miklós Sulyok
The first picture shows the former prestigious Stock Exchange Palace, which has been functioning as the Headquarters of the Hungarian Television in the last 5 decades, but a few years ago it was played into the hands of foreign investors for a symbolic price. After selling this building, - which is an important part of the Hungarian architecture history, and stands in one of the most expensive part of the city - in the next two years it was rented back from the investors for the 2/3rd of the purchase price. Therefore the building has become the target and the symbol of corruption and of the contra-governmental demonstrations of 2006. After ten thousands of demonstrators wanted to occupy this building to read their petition in the Television against the Prime Minister at the time; Ferenc Gyurcsány.

Hungary V. Tryptich / National Sign (it’s hard to go up, easy to come off)
2010 | oil, acrylic, wooden board | 70x100x5 cm | photo by Miklós Sulyok
The second building is the so-called Zikkurat, standing in the park of the new National Theater, built rapidly and surrounded by scandals. The building quotes the forms of the tower of Babel or Maya sun pyramids, - according to the intention of the architect – it mediates spiritual content, and relates to the popular, but historically unfounded concept of Sumerian-Hungarian relationship. Therefor the building stands as a great example for those efforts towards constructing the Hungarian past.

Hungary V. Tryptich / Waiting Room, Székesfehérvár
2010 | oil, acrylic, wooden board | 70x100x5 cm | photo by Miklós Sulyok
While the first two paintings are dealing with well-known problematic episodes of the capital and Hungary, the last painting deals with a more local theme. It presents an old bus station waiting room, which stands at the entrance of Székesfehérvár (my hometown) in a preserved heritage area. After the restoration of the so-called Aquarium, it operated for a short period with cultural functions as an exhibition space, after that some powerful investors transformed it to a casino. After years of litigation the City Council fold up the casino, for which I also campaigned with my painting. Though the success is not complete, as the waiting room now functions as a 1euro shop.

Animal from Bocskai Coat of Arms
2010 | oil, wooden board | 20x30x5 cm | photo by Miklós Sulyok

Hungarian Folk Tales (Marks of the princess)
2010 | oil, wooden board | 20x30x5 cm | photo by Miklós Sulyok
The motif is taken from the Magyar Népmesék (Hungarian Folk Tales) cartoon series, and because of this it was banned in Romania, saying that it has adult content.

White Hungarian Cock
2010 | oil, glaze on wooden board | 20x30x5 cm each | in private collection | photo by Miklós Sulyok

White Hungarian Hen
2010 | oil, glaze on wooden board | 20x30x5 cm each | in private collection | photo by Miklós Sulyok

Book (Holy Bible)
2010 | acryllic on wooden board | 30x20x5 cm | photo by Miklós Sulyok