The Rest / In Peace

Group Show by Lőrinc Borsos, Zsófia Keresztes, Botond Keresztesi, Lilla Lőrinc, Gergő Szinyova
115-106 Gallery, Budapest
29.03 – 12.05

Photos: Dávid Biró

The clock struck midnight. The entity appeared, made a selfie in the mirror, then glided over to the kitchen. It packed the fridge full of ectoplasm, then lingered inside a crystal ball for a while. From there, it drifted to the hall. It ravaged the flowers and became petrified above the parquetry floor. For a while it seemed to be splitting in two, but then it dispersed. It was bouncing encrypted patterns onto the wall before moving on to play camouflage on the bookshelf. It clogged the bathtub, smudged the doorframe and left socks lying everywhere. Eventually, it dissolved into the shady nicotine-soaked walls. The clock struck midnight.

From left to right: Lilla Lőrinc (detail), Botond Keresztesi

Botond Keresztesi

Lilla Lőrinc

Lilla Lőrinc (detail)

Left on the ceiling: Lőrinc Borsos
on the wall: Botond Keresztesi
floor: Lilla Lőrinc

Botond Keresztesi

Lőrinc Borsos, Zsófia Keresztes, Lilla Lőrinc

Lőrinc Borsos

Lőrinc Borsos

From left to right: Botond Keresztesi, Lilla Lőrinc

Lilla Lőrinc

Lilla Lőrinc

Lilla Lőrinc

Lilla Lőrinc

Lilla Lőrinc

From left to right: Lilla Lőrinc, Zsófia Keresztes

Zsófia Keresztes

Zsófia Keresztes - detail

Zsófia Keresztes - detail

Zsófia Keresztes - detail

From left to right: Lilla Lőrinc, Zsófia Keresztes

Lőrinc Borsos

Lőrinc Borsos

Gergő Szinyova

Gergő Szinyova

Gergő Szinyova

Gergő Szinyova

Front: Gergő Szinyova - detail
back: Lőrinc Borsos - detail

Lőrinc Borsos: I really want to
print on paper A/2

Lőrinc Borsos

Lőrinc Borsos

Lőrinc Borsos - detail